Important Information
Morning session 8.45am-11.45am
Afternoon session 12.15pm-3.15pm
Full Day Session 9.00am - 3.00pm
Children need to bring a named bag with a spare pair of clothes and underwear. Although we have some spare wellies it is helpful if children bring their own.
We go outside in all weathers, we provide the waterproof suits and muddy puddles.
In warmer weather please apply sun-cream before the session if necessary and provide caps for protection.
Please ring the office if someone not on the named list is collecting your child.
We provide healthy snacks, milk and water. Snack is a ‘self serve’ snack, although an adult is on hand supervising the area we encourage children to select and prepare their own snacks and drinks. Although this can be a little messy there is nothing better than watching a child finally be able to control the jug, pour their own drink and hear ‘I did it myself!’