Recent News

What do we like?

We have been discussing all our favourite things over the past week. We have discovered that some of the things we like are the same and so are different and that this is OK. We have been celebrating what makes us all unique!


Making Juice!

The children had a great time exploring oranges and making orange juice using their strong hands to squeeze the oranges. The children used lots of brilliant describing words "The oranges are juicy," "The skin is smooth and tough," "It' tastes sweet, I love it!" 

Nursery orange juice



World Book Day 2025!

We had a fabulous time dressing up as characters from fairy tales and our favourite stories, role playing stories, sharing rhymes and books and watching fairy tales on the screen. We talked about the characters we had dressed up as and why we liked them.

Nursery WBD 2025


Over the past couple of weeks we have been getting creative in different ways including junk modelling, dancing and painting, enjoying water play outside making different flavoured tea and celebrating birthdays. We have been developing our own ideas, working together with our friends and sharing resources. We have also been developing our hand and arm muscles which help us when we write.


Nursery - February