October Newsletter

Fishwick Primary School

Downing Street, Preston, Lancs. PR1 4RH

Tel: 01772 491402


Headteacher: Mrs Vicki Conway

  Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,



Polar Bear Class (Year 3/4) will be hosting our Harvest Festival on Friday 11th October, at 9am.  This year we are again supporting the local foodbanks as we know they support so many of our community.  If the children could bring in donations of dried goods, like pasta or rice, or tinned goods, like beans or soup, they would be gratefully received. 

Parents’ Evening

We will be sending out a letter next week for our first parents’ evening of the year.  This will take place afterschool week beginning 14th October.


Primary School Applications

If you have a child due to start Primary School next year applications are now open.

Primary School Applications

We are listed as Preston Fishwick.  Please be aware a late application may reduce your chance of getting your preference of school. 

Year 6 – High School Applications

Don’t  it is time to apply for High School places.

School places are not allocated on a first come, first served basis. All applications received up to the closing date are given equal priority, but if you miss the deadline, a late application may reduce your chance of getting your preference of school.

31 October 2024 – is the national closing date for secondary applications.

1 March 2025 - Offers issued to parents

For more information and to apply please visit

Secondary School Applications

If you have any problems please let us know and we can support you with your application.

Please note that Moor Park have changed their Admission policy.  Parents who are putting Moor Park High School down as either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice should book a Fair Banding assessment. Pupils who do not sit an assessment will only have their application considered after those who have sat an assessment. The assessment booking form will be open until 28th September 2023.

Moor Park

Half Term

We break up for half term on Friday 18th October at 3.15pm and return to school on Monday 28th October at 8.45am.


Many thanks


Vicki Conway
