Year 2 - Tigers
We would like to give you a huge welcome to the children and parents of Tigers class. The children in our class are taught by Mrs Smith and supported by Mrs Ramsay and Mrs McComb.
In Year 2 the approach to teaching is a balance of whole class teaching, group work and independent learning. We hope that as children reach the end of their journeys in Tigers they will be equipped to start their next class year becoming more independent and resilient.
The School Day
Our morning usually focuses on Phonics, Maths and Literacy and then in the afternoon other subjects such as PE, Computing, RE or Topic. We finish the day with our daily celebrations and a story.
We have PE each week on a Monday and Wednesday. Please can all children have a full named PE kit in school every day. They will need black pumps, black PE shorts and a house coloured school PE T-shirt inside a named bag. Please can all jewellery be removed before school on PE days, thank you.
Reading is really important for your child both inside and outside of school. We hope that your child reads at least three times a week at home (everyday is even better) and get their reading record signed by an adult. 5 dojo points will be awarded for each time a child has read at home with it recorded in their reading record. Tigers pupils will need to bring in their reading records every day along with their reading books. We will listen to your child read at least twice a week and we will also undertake guided reading sessions. There will be plenty of opportunity for children to read books that they love in class and we really encourage this at home too.